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Coming soon - National Crime Check is getting a new look! Click here for more information.

Coming soon. NCC will have a new look but our service will be the same !

Posted by Karmabunny on

We are pleased to announce the recent launch of our gig economy certificate sharing platform.

If you're a gig economy or rideshare driver/partner looking to expand your reach onto other platforms, you can be onboarded quickly and easily by reusing your existing police check result certificate, within three months of it being issued. This saves the the driver/partner both money and time.

Sharing your certificate is far more economical than obtaining a new certificate and it only costs $4.99 per share, this may be a saving of up to 44 dollars!

For rideshare and gig economy platform providers, our secure and certified sharing platform provideds the certificate to the rideshare company "at source", ensuring the integrity and authenticity of the certificates and mitigating the risk of the cerificates being tampered with.

This is yet another way that National Crime Check aims to be a full-service provider for all of their customers and clients.

If you're a gig economy worker wishing to share your certificate, please contact

If you're a rideshare platform provider, you can read more about Gig Economy at National Crime Check or contact us at for more information.


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