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Coming soon - National Crime Check is getting a new look! Click here for more information.

Coming soon. NCC will have a new look but our service will be the same !

Posted by Joel Zerner on

Individuals born into the world between 2010 and 2024 are entering a brand new generation - dubbed “Generation Alpha” and more colloquially known as “Generation Glass”. This generation commenced in 2010 alongside the launch of the iPad, the creation of Instagram, and in a year when “app” was the word of the year.

This generation’s children are the children of millennials, and they are the first generation to grow up entirely in the digital 21st century. It is predicted that Alphas will be the most educated, the most technologically advanced, the longest living, and the wealthiest of all generations.

Alphas will be introduced to technology from a young age with parents entertaining and educating their children using the many resources available through the internet. Time-poor and multitasking millennial parents may redirect children to Google for answers to their questions, use YouTube videos as temporary childcare or support them to access online educational lessons.

Alphas and AI

One technology that will increase in scope and usage as Alphas grow is that of artificial intelligence. From video games to education to shopping and driving, AI will be used in more innovative and subtle ways than ever before and Alphas will subsequently find it second nature to interact with it in various facets of life.

It is expected that Alphas will become increasingly comfortable communicating with machines, potentially even more so than with other humans, due to the more predictable nature of interactions with machines. It will therefore be less intuitive and less necessary for Alphas to have human contact in order to complete tasks and fulfill their basic needs than previous generations. We are already seeing adoption of this type of interaction through virtual assistants like Alexa and Siri, which develop an understanding of the users’ tastes and habits over time.

Increased comfort and familiarity with machines will also be facilitated through better fluidity and understanding of human action by machines. According to the Understanding Generation Alpha study by Wired Consulting, “artificial intelligence or voice will become increasingly common methods of communication between humans and machines, as keyboards and screens give way to gesture-based interfaces and conversations between devices and humans.”

Another use of AI will be in the usage and development of robots to assist us with tasks. Japan is already putting robots to work to provide care for the elderly and Saudi Arabia recently bestowed citizenship on an AI-powered robot called Sophia, and we will continue to see robots applied to more tasks and roles that are rote and otherwise time-consuming, both in industry and within our own homes. The robot vacuums are just the beginning of the end for chores…

Alphas have grown up immersed in technology and a digital world, and when combined with the fact that they are more likely to be only children, one defining characteristic of Alphas is that they expect instant gratification and immediacy. They will always be connected and be able to satisfy their needs and wants when the thought occurs - AI will further facilitate these demands.

How will this affect background checks and screening?

As Alphas enter the workforce and go through recruitment processes for work, they will expect all the processes to be seamless and able to be completed from any device. This means that the processes need to be flexible and accessible at all times. They will also be more comfortable with AI and biometric screening, hence be more willing, and even expect, to share their personal details and likeness in order to facilitate the seamless experience they desire.

Alphas are only aged 12 and below now, however it’s never a bad time to consider what the future holds and proactively plan for continual adaptation and updating of processes and technology in order to be ready for the expectations of the next generation.

AI in screening and background checks is already available through National Crime Check’s services. We are continually refining our services to use the latest technology, ensuring minimal turnaround time and increased accuracy.

Get ready for the next generation - reach out to us if you’d like to discuss how our services can be incorporated into your background screening processes.

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