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Coming soon. NCC will have a new look but our service will be the same !

Posted by Karmabunny on

It’s unfortunately been another tough start to the year with many regions of NSW and QLD experiencing extreme weather and flooding.

Our thoughts and best wishes are with everybody affected by these wild weather events, especially those who have been displaced from their homes, schools and workplaces. We hope that stability can be restored as the rains ease.

We have so many clients, their families, friends -  living, working, volunteering in these areas and all of us here at NCC  just wanted to let you know that we are here for you all.

As a small token of our solidarity, we will be donating a portion of our profits this quarter to the GIVIT NSW/QLD flood appeal. If you would like to help raise funds or donate items to GIVIT please visit the GIVIT Flood Appeal site.

We will pull through this together and we are here to help in any way we can.

From all of us at National Crime Check

Donate to GIVIT Flood Appeal

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