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Coming soon - National Crime Check is getting a new look! Click here for more information.

Coming soon. NCC will have a new look but our service will be the same !

Posted by Luke Miller on

Taking driving lessons with an instructor is a rite of passage for many teenagers and young adults. However, a frequently overlooked detail is whether that driving instructor has been verified as safe to work with young people.

Recent reports of sexual harassment and assault by instructors on students emphasise the importance of verifying driving instructors prior to employment. And given that driving lessons take place in an enclosed space, with no witnesses or onlookers, learner drivers are particularly vulnerable.

It is therefore strongly recommended that driving schools conduct pre-employment criminal history checks on instructors to enhance student safety. A criminal history check will flag whether an instructor has any past criminal charges and enable driving schools to make well-informed hiring decisions.

Incorporating criminal history checks also adds a layer of security that safeguards driving school companies from potential misconduct litigation, thereby preserving their reputation as a trusted driver training provider.

Parents seeking a driving instructor for their children should proactively ask driving schools whether they conduct background screening on their instructors. This enquiry can be considered akin to the expectation that schoolteachers and childcare staff are screened prior to employment.

Confirming that the instructor has undergone background screening, and particularly criminal history checks, helps to confirm that the driving instructor has no past incidents that could jeopardise their child’s safety during lessons.

Background screening of driving instructors is of utmost importance for both driving schools and parents. By ensuring thorough criminal history checks on instructors, the safety and wellbeing of learner drivers can be upheld and maintained.

National Crime Check is a leading provider of criminal history checks in Australia and New Zealand. We offer a quick and easy process, with most checks completed online in under 15 minutes. If you operate a driving school or are interested in incorporating background screening at your business, get in touch.

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